Things have never been more the way they are than they are right now. They used to be once, we thought, but then reconsidered when on second thought, we realized we are not what we used to be or ever were. In consideration of this, the general consensus is that nonsense is responsible for this mess, and it is up to the generals and all their attendants to attend to the reformulations of the standards that have gotten us nowhere close to where we’d hope to be. Lacking all that, the lackeys among us will laugh with derision at our hundred indecisions and confound our faculties of reason and cognition, reminding the rest of us that once upon a time our senses were not sentenced to the awfulness of this provision of redundancy. Let us, therefore, remain steadfast to the things we know to be true, the things that were and the things that are about to be. Let no man put asunder or put us under the scrutiny and uncertainty of words and all their blasphemy. Be forewarned-the words muses use will delay us and confuse. There will be a time for tommyrot but it is not now! Let us not rot in the marrow of what might have been and instead harken to the morrow of fraternity, equality and the belfry.

by Paul Smith

Paul Smith writes poetry & fiction.  He lives in Skokie, Illinois with his wife Flavia.  Sometimes he performs poetry at an open mic in Chicago.  He believes that brevity is the soul of something he read about once, and whatever that something is or was, it should be cut in half immediately

Paul Smith