Symphonic hemorrhage and unspooling bricolage.
The chronological birth of the light body
from the clot of muscle and fat
and the synchrony of bone.
Where weather is hyper-stated and shunted
or tunneled into the marble of spectrum.
Unfulfilling transfer now vegetal reject
or the lifeless mineral
from the hammered result of gigantism.
Hierophant dodged by om zombies and the hexed.
Compassion has been systematically altered
to invoke the definition of base cruelty
but the robots are made of cedar
in the marginal night of blue vagina.
To exit one must believe in the fiction
of the hotelroom corner and lamp.
Skin will crescent under the nail.
We will hunt tactile experience
in the long and deep road of an electric warehouse
to bend spoons with dilapidated war-veterans.
Belligerent atolls wired to transcendental embryos.
At the center of the apparatus stands the tilted waterwheel
so close to the businessmen who contribute vomit
to the litany of molecular fraternities
and the powdered women serve cold liquor
to empower the screen to stretch the wrestling.
It is a long accordion of imaginings
played by a silver-eyed misanthrope on MDMA.
It sounds fucking horrible
but there are vials and their golden content
handed down by children on the high platform
in the unexpected rain of highquality confetti.
The old men are beating the family drums
in the polyphony of song that causes the eye to roll
and God to embark the light through misplaced weeping willows.
There are seven bodies facedown in seven skies.
My mother is a boozed up phantom on the tropical street
where monkeys are not and dogs are celebrities.
Feeling now the lavender shape of rapidmelt bargain crystal
or the angle of layover masturbation in South Carolina.
Westward remittance and jubilee medication
and a black trunk of negatives and the orange smell of Monroe.
Symptomatic callous and the transient collage-eater
wishes to die in a high mountain skull of moon.
Corpse pattern, undulating cereal, she could not read the subway map
and I loved her, and her landlord was going to court
for reasons I never understood.
By Michael Borth
Michael Borth is a writer from the Hudson Valley. His work has appeared in New World Writing, SPECTRA Poets, Forever Magazine, SELFFUCK, Fence, Expat Press, Cordite Poetry Review, Carrier Pigeon, and The Write Launch. He can be reached here: michaeljborth@gmail.com