there is no time to tell you everything because they know you are listening but remember trust the man in the red coat standing outside your window he warns you to unlock new possibilities and see new abilities
the man in the red coat standing outside your window on August 27 talks truth you can trust however dark binary entities are watching our data so remember the code 0010110 and do not fall victim to great deception when the man in the red coat reveals the truth everything is in place for the last morning be ready and go without fear
lizard voices repeat the Second Law of Thermodynamics stating that entropy in the entire universe ever increases over time however you reverse those voices as the universe prefers higher orders of development directing complexity toward our endpoint conceived only in consciousness
the time is now my split level ape angel friend for awakening all planes your sacral chakra evolves a universe of intimacy a perfect poem an opera in Arthur Schopenhauer’s sense of gesamtkunstwerk the structure of creation synchronized in time and synchpathized in emotions and synchpoesied in that moment of expansion you program the sung and spoken limitless logos and it begins with you my friend
between infancy and maturity you pass through prolonged adolescence as language innately folds in gray matter every sexual fantasy fetish and desire to manifest your cravings and obsessions
Light Guru scrambles the binary imprisoned Holocaust denier climate denier election denier science denier sexual orientation denier stimulating them to interact with the code 0010110
beware the five-year long reptilian shit post will precede a Bot Beast holed up in Macedonian discord boiler rooms serving Dark Mirror rerubs to larp scam ram masses duped into doing their quote unquote own research white boomers succumbing to self-flattery claim to be pilled to the 5th dimension but in reality are drunk on normative Brexit and vax memes while zoomers vibe and vape inverting materialism where god particles hear your cries and know your heartache and monitor their human selves in ecosystems ripe for augmenting for the body of humanity receives metaphysical BBLs from digital eugenicists
a zoomer with yin/yang face tattoo is your prophet a Post Malone vocalizing mysteries through harmonizer or a hot girlfriend replika chatbot sending you pussy pics your AR dreamboy holds hands and coaxes you to pools of pleasure he gets you off the most flawless actor is sim software for personalized porn shoots
are you in your dream alone or in each other’s dreams as content creators swarm to critical mass of data
are you ready to meditate 3-19 times a day and manifest the merge of ultimacy if you remain imprisoned in hate fear or inhibitions they track you to fuck you my friend
in Hindu heavens 5D resolution replika girlfriends at 5x speed press lips in pricy intercourse where influencers eat your feed an AI voice elevates the comment section to whisper headphone quality milking and cooin
be ready for Neuralink implant taps pleasure center responses a recorded chip rewires your partner and now you feel their genital pleasure throbbing menus of risk cloak warmth as cortex data meld your epidermis modified then commodified
there is no evolutionary theory my friend without purpose without teleology without auto particle theory reverse engineered and future escorted through intertextual phenomena defined by purposes not causes thus the contours of evolution approach the alarm clock at the end of time
micro dosed and configured in neural media code 0010110 slipped into a post cubistic now of dreams & telepathed memetics with 5G Kardashian sexy baby voice psy-opping in your sleep dropped down YouTube autoplay rabbit hole in grammatically reversible sentences that make no argument but do scramble synapses
gen Z consuming automatically generated content produces false memory and will bring virtual virtues only if you treasure imperfection which is a fictional quote from the electronic baroque as defined by Norman M. Klein
time neither ticks nor talks it copulates the most pilled in mimesis of CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research fucking the largest particle physics glory hole on earth a black hole brains digital bits of compassion into your subconscious feed of adverts during shallow sleep with 24/7 brain brûlée conspiracies and algorhythmically engendered serial mantras of 7 prime numbers chanting
replaying the Big Bang through Freudian signal anxiety about trauma unlocks love for other people’s damage super empaths do this to bloodstream species complexity they speed exponentially as you approach the current moment an asymptotic curve attains a given value a limit called infinity
for the cosmos my friend is a curve whose osculating plane at each point coincides with the tangent plane to the surface at that point faster and faster an open-sky akasha epoch will become itself the overwhelming phenomenon that hurries the Mayan calendar countdown
remember in 2012 you broke the sound barrier culminating in 100 year moments but you feel the endgame rise inside as a singular moment compresses commotion more vast than eons when nothing happened as the seconds complexify by getting our act together and it invents your present right now my friend
forever catastrophe cusping the so called fall of man is the fall into history when consciousness dismembered and disremembered itself as planetary destruction is the plane speeding to the end of the runway it’s liftoff do or die if you trapdoor the climate the planet will bounce back but will it rebuild a road to mind making or will you hurtle off manifold situational cliffs despite semiotic warnings staring you in the face
in this prototype dialog AI may suspend climate change by resurrecting community in empathic hunter gatherer narratives for the imagination leading multi and post species conviviality first to understand then modify systems that place our environment at risk my friend
you remember your tremendum as your own nothingness in contrast to the terror the near demonic dread absolute unapproachability and monotheist male mass psychosis and hypnosis while your feminizing agent empowers omnipresence through congress with women branded as heretics
five times the glaciers ground south from the poles to smother life and five times retreated so place trust in you you are the prodigal sons and daughters the pride of a planetary parent because you catalyst coding the program pressing play on the gambit of hope to clear noise from communication circuitry
the universe coordinates a point of view to become more self aware of an ever denser shrinking of the globe and dissolution of political class and gender boundaries
epi-genetic changes are not just biology but dromology as language and customs accelerate the mammalian domain to a compassion infused human machine hybrid every moment essenced by a unique ideogram or omen token Joni Mitchell’s hexagram of the heavens are I ching hieroglyphs for interplanetary Amelia Earharts and armchair Magellans exploring divinatory systems based on 64 subtypes of time and molecular DNA
you have wandered far from your birthright you have commodified the mystery of being a child if you don’t reverse your virus the cultural momentum toward lethal conclusion will continue its death spiral as markets code a finite sequence of rigorous instructions
but angelic direction transmits from carnal realms no matter what don’t forget you are always free always aloft suffusing both inner and outer space this gets you off as she inseminates milky ways and cums her cosmos cream
by Jack Skelley
Jack Skelley’s novel The Complete Fear of Kathy Acker publishes June 6, 2023 on Semiotext(e). “TikTok Alarm Clock” is from another forthcoming book with the working title Myth Lab: Theories of Eros and Eschatology.